Mentorship: Sacred Art of Ceremony

Is your heart calling for deeper connection with the sacredness of life,
with earth, ancestors, and spiritual guidance?

Are you searching for ways to honor life passages?

Interested in making altars and medicine items?

Elders say: When you take care of your medicine items, your medicine items will take care of you.

Sacred Art of Ceremony

We’ll design a mentorship for you to…

• create ceremonies that are healing and enriching for you

• awaken awareness, curiosity, and relationship with physical and energetic realms

• flourish in the magic and beauty that come alive when ceremonial ways are woven into your everyday life

“Working with JoAnne in the Ceremony Mentorship program was truly a gift. She provided me with space to develop my understanding of ceremony in my own way and at my own pace.

At the end of our time together, I not only felt comfortable designing and implementing my own ceremonies, I had also deepened my spiritual practice by incorporating ceremonial elements into my daily routine.” ~ S.S.

Ceremony is sacred space for healing and connection.

Ceremony opens doorways to mystery and magic, to boundless realms of knowledge.

Ceremony is a quest, a remembering, a homecoming.

Ceremony is rooted in gratitude and love.